In the Media

Worried About Social Security Under Trump? What to Know About Claiming Early.
Social Security is in trouble, and some of President Donald Trump’s proposals would only weaken the program’s finances, according to some budget hawks who have estimated their impact.
Best Whole Life Insurance Companies in 2025
Whole life insurance offers guaranteed death benefits, cash value growth and stable premiums for life.
Life Insurance Guide for New Parents
Life insurance can help new parents secure their child’s future.
If You Rely on Social Security, Make These 4 Money Moves Now That Trump is President-Elect
President-Elect Trump has made it a priority to cut down on government spending.
U.S. News & World Report
How to Undo Claiming Social Security
Changing course on claiming Social Security is doable, with more options than you might expect.
Best Life Insurance for Seniors
Life insurance for seniors ensures that loved ones aren’t burdened with expenses like medical bills or funeral costs. MoneyGeek found that GEICO offers the best term life insurance for seniors, earning a score of 97.
Average Cost of Life Insurance
The average cost of life insurance is $23 per month. Life insurance rates vary based on age, health and policy type. Understanding average costs can help you budget and ensure you’re not overpaying for coverage.
What to Expect From The 2025 Social Security Increase
The 2025 Social Security increase is anticipated to bring much-needed relief to retirees, with estimates suggesting a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) between 3.5% and 4.5%.
How Retirees Should Budget When Social Security COLA is Lower Than Expected
People who rely upon Social Security income in retirement frequently look forward to the next year’s cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), but this amount varies significantly from year to year.
I'm a Social Security Expert: 7 Things Americans Should Never Do With Their Checks
Starting to claim Social Security benefits is a major life milestone, marking a new phase in Americans’ lives.
6 Things That Worry Retired Boomers Most About the 2025 Social Security COLA
Are you a retiree who would also be considered part of the baby boomer generation? If so, you might be concerned about the 2025 Social Security change to the cost of living adjustment — or COLA, as it is commonly referred to.
How Long It Takes to Get a Life Insurance Payout
Typically, beneficiaries receive a life insurance payout within 14 to 60 days. Several factors can influence life insurance payout time, including the insurer’s processes, the timing of the claim, policy duration, cause of death and state laws.
Average Cost of a $500,000 in January 2024
The life insurance cost for a $500,000 term policy averages $29 monthly. Depending on your needs and circumstances, this amount can provide substantial coverage for your chosen beneficiaries.
Retiring on Social Security Only: Should You Sell Your Home for Cash?
According to the Social Security Administration, the average retired worker received about $1,917 in Social Security benefits in May — that’s around $23,000 a year.
Retirement Crisis: Here's How Much Social Security Anxiety Has Increased Among Boomers
Since its inception in the mid-1930s, Social Security has existed as a way to supplement retirement income and provide some measure of financial security in one’s later years.
Social Security Could Get $1 Trillion Boost
Social Security, which is set to become insolvent in roughly a decade, could get a $1 trillion boost due to the immigration surge, experts told Congress this week.
How to Build Your Retirement Paycheck - and Make It Last
When it comes to retirement, many Americans are on their own.
U.S. News & World Report
Frequently Asked Social Security Benefit Questions
Find the answers to your most pressing Social Security questions.
Social Security Is In Trouble - For Real. When to Claim Your Benefits.
Many Americans worry about the future of Social Security.
4 Financial Assets That Will Build the Most Generational Wealth
For many people, making money is an important part of their financial plans.
5 Social Security Claiming Options for Couples
The ‘file and suspend’ method is no more, but spouse can still tailor their benefit strategies.
Experts' Insights on Using Life Insurance as an Investment
Life insurance policies with a cash value component can serve as investment tools. Knowing the benefits, drawbacks and which type to get can help you determine if this is a worthwhile addition to your investment portfolio.
Expert Advice About Life Insurance Costs
Use MoneyGeek’s simple life insurance calculator to estimate your premium. It tailors estimates to your age, gender, health profile and coverage amount.
USA Today
Social Security COLA for '25 May Be Less Than '24's; Group Forecasts It to Increase by 1.75%
Millions of Americans depend on Social Security payments to make ends meet.
U.S. News & World Report
How Early Retirement Will Impact Your Social Security Benefit
Learn how your Social Security benefits could be reduced if you retire early.
3 Account Types to Open with Interest Rates on Hold
The Federal Reserve decided to hold rates steady again on Wednesday.
Best Life Insurance for 60-Year-Olds in January 2024
Buying life insurance in your 60s offers benefits like estate planning, final expense coverage and financial security for loved ones.
Ultimate Guide to Wills And Why They Are Important
CBS MoneyWatch
3 Surprising Ways Long-Term Care Insurance Helps You Age in Place
Most people want to stay in their own homes through the later years of their lives, and you may be one of them.
CBS MoneyWatch
Does Long-Term Care Insurance Pay Family Caregivers?
At some point in your life, there’s a strong chance that you’ll need assistance with your daily activities.
Life Insurance vs. Roth IRA: Which One is Better for Retirement?
Life insurance and a Roth IRA both help you make smart financial plans for the future and ensure you have savings set aside.
Best Term Life Insurance Companies in October 2023
For most shoppers, term life is the best life insurance option.
U.S. News & World Report
Reasons to Take Social Security Early at Age 62
Taking Social Security benefits early may reduce total program earnings, but doing so makes sense in several scenarios.
Best Life Insurance for Parents in July 2023
The best life insurance for parents depends on various factors.
401(k) vs. Life Insurance: Which One is Better for Retirement?
Both life insurance and 401(k) plans can help you prepare your finances for the future.
Best Family Life Insurance Companies In July 2023
Get the best family life insurance with State Farm, Nationwide, Transamerica and Prudential.
U.S. News & World Report
Can You Collect Unemployment and Social Security?
Here’s what to consider when taking unemployment benefits and Social Security payments at the same time.
2023 Social Security COLA Increase
As inflation subsides, next year’s COLA is likely to be smaller.
How Much Social Security Will I Get?
Understanding how Social Security benefits are calculated can help you plan for retirement.
How to Recover Faster from a Natural Disaster
A little planning can ease financial hardship.
next avenue
Living Only on Social Security
Millions of people approaching retirement age have lost their savings or could never set money aside; here’s how they plan to cope.
u.s. news & world report
What is a Certificate of Deposit?
CDs can earn high annual percentage yields, but be sure to pick a term that works for you.
The First Thing You Should Do When You Decide to Pay Down Debt
Ready to tackle your debt but don’t know where to start? We asked personal finance experts what they think is the first right step.
U.S. News & World Report
What is a Good Credit Card APR?
The APR is one of the most important things to know about your credit card.
U.S. News & World Report
What is a Good Monthly Retirement Income?
Here’s a look at average retirement incomes and how much people spend during their golden years.
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
10 Things You Should Know About Life Insurance
There’s more to life insurance than just a big check after you check out.
U.S. News & World Report
How to Maximize Social Security with Spousal Benefits
Understand how Social Security spousal benefits work to make the most of your retirement funds.
Few Plan to Use Tax Refunds for Fun - What Are They Doing Instead?
After a tough post-pandemic year featuring high inflation rates and a competitive job market with many layoffs, you might expect the majority of Americans to be planning to use their tax refunds to pay for a relaxing getaway.
How to Stick to Your New Year's Financial Resolutions in 2023
With most of us hoping for better financial prospects in 2023, it’s important to acknowledge just how brutal 2022 was for Americans and their wallets.
We're 56 and Have Less Than $250K in Savings, Can We Still Retire at 65?
It’s a questions that everybody who isn’t a multi-millionaire finds themselves asking.
7 Major Mistakes Made By Retirees Looking to Start a Side Hustle
You’ve got the time. You’ve got the desire. And you’ve got a few extra bucks to spend. Starting a business in retirement sounds like a piece of cake.
U.S. News & World Report
How to Recover from Financial Hardship in Retirement
Americans can live a long time in retirement, so it makes sense to prepare for financial shocks.
Some Examples of Post-Retirement Side Hustles You Can Do
Does the gig economy intrigue you?
How Might Employers Help Retiring Employees Learn to Earn Extra Income Post-Retirement?
Let’s start with an obvious statement – this is not about ERISA or retirement plans.
10 Questions Those 50+ Are Asking Right Now About Their 401(K) Retirement Savings Account
If you’re young with all the time in the world, retirement is the last thing on your mind.
u.s. news & world report
How to Calculate Your Social Security Break-Even Age
Find out if you will come out ahead by waiting to claim Social Security benefits.
How to Suspend Social Security Benefits and When It Makes Sense To Do So
Social Security usually doesn’t offer a “do-over,” but retirees can turn to this option in a few select options.
What Travelers Need to Know Before They Wire Money
More travelers than ever are wiring money – to vacation rental owners, tour operators, and each other.
How Can 401(k) Plan Sponsors Help Retired Employees Fight Inflation - And Should They?
The news isn’t good for retirees who have left their retirement savings with their former employer.
How to Handle Social Security Customer Service Problems
Know your options for getting issues related to your Social Security checks resolved.
Make Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments on Roth Conversions. Or Penalties Will Bite.
6 Ways Your Lack of Financial Savvy Hurts Your Wallet
There’s no way to plan for the future.
How to Apply for Social Security
Millions of baby boomers are primed to retire in the coming decade, and some of the biggest decisions they’ll need to make are how and when to apply for Social Security.
Yes, Roths Are Tax-Free Retirement Accounts. But TFRAs Refer to Something Else.
I’ve been hearing a lot about tax-free retirement accounts and how they’re better than a traditional 401(k). What is a TFRA, and is it really better than a 401(k)?
How Claiming Social Security Early Will Affect Spousal Benefits
Even if you never worked a day, you could be eligible for Social Security benefits based on the earnings of your husband or wife.
Navigating Life Insurance for Estate Planning
Life insurance protects your loved ones against financial expenses when you pass away.
Older Adults' Guide to Income Streams and Money Management in Retirement
If you’re heading into retirement, the last thing you want to worry about is how you’ll continue to make money.
U.S. News & World Report
What Happens If Your Work While Receiving Social Security?
Understand how money earned from a retirement job could impact how much you get from Social Security.
Yearning to Travel in 2022? First Figure Out Your Budget - Then Pick a Destination
Can you afford to travel this year?
7 Ways for Singles to Secure Retirement Finances
Your needs are unique if you are divorced, widowed or never married.
12 Reasons You Should Have a Will Sooner Than You Think
The COVID-19 pandemic has created tremendous uncertainty about the future for millions Americans.
5 Reasons It Makes Sense to Claim Social Security As Late As Possible (Age 70)
Long before the Clash sang “should I say or should I go,” Social Security recipients have asked, “Should I Claim or Should I Wait?”
5 Reasons It Makes Sense to Claim Social Security As Early As Possible (Age 62)
Social Security has always been a uniquely American Rorschach Test.
The Best Ways to Use Social Security Money If It's Discretionary Income
Millions of retirees are living out their days on shoestring budgets that barely cover the basics.
5 Lessons to Help Convince Those Who Could Afford It To Defer Claiming Social Security
There are often clear advantages for someone to wait before claiming Social Security but the temptation of “getting the money now” trumps those advantages.
How to Protect Your Assets from Nursing Home Costs
If you’re concerned about how to protect your assets from nursing home costs, you’re at an advantage if you can plan at least five years out.
U.S. News & WOrld Report
Will Social Security Cover All Your Expenses?
Look at your budget and estimated benefit to determine what Social Security will cover in retirement.
Life Insurance for Homeowners: Why You Need It and How to Find the Right Plan
Buying a home can be expensive.
Family Trusts vs. Wills: What Are the Differences Between These Estate-Planning Options?
No one relishes the thought of the day they pass away and leave their worldly possessions behind.
A Home Equity Loan for Debt Consolidation: Comparing the Pros, Cons and Alternatives
Interest rates are low right now, so if you own a home, you could benefit from new, favorable loan terms. Refinancing a mortgage over 30 years can allow you to spread the loan balance over 30 years versus 10 years as with a home equity loan, says Chuck Czajka, founder of financial consulting firm Macro Money Concepts in Florida.
U.S. News & World Report
Getting a Credit Limit Increase with a Credit One Bank Card
“Getting a credit limit increase will not hurt your credit score,” says Chuck Czajka, founder of Macro Money Concepts in Stuart, Florida.”
Medium's authority Magazine
5 Things Every CEO Should Know About Navigating The World of Finance with Chuck Czajka
“Education – enough is not enough. Continuing to learn is a mainstay of this business. Every day new ideas and products are created to help people succeed…”
Medicare Plans
Avoid and Report Medicare Fraud and Abuse
“Sometimes, healthcare workers, doctors, or even patients, commit Medicare fraud without knowing it,” Czajka says.
U.S. News & World Report
12 Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom
“You’ll never get ahead if you’re always putting the cart before the horse,” says Charles Czajka, CEO of Macro Money Concepts in Stuart, Florida
10 Bad Money Habits You Learned From Your Parents and Need To Break Now
“It’s better to pay off debt first, then save for retirement.”
Popular Money Rules You Should Stop Following
“While saving for retirement is a must, COVID has shown that this traditional thinking and saving through a 401(k) might not be the best solution.”
U.s. news & world report
The Minimum Mortgage Qualifications for 2021
“The process will take longer because lenders are becoming more picky about who they lend to.”
12 Reasons You Should Have a Will Sooner Than You Think
“Creating a will helps to keep things organized so your family members can grieve easier knowing they are following your wishes.”
U.s. news & world report
How to Manage Holiday Spending in Retirement
“The last thing you want to do is spend 2021 paying off 2020’s holiday season.”
7 Questions to Ask Before Buying Disability Insurance
“if your employer deducts the premium, your disability could be taxable to you…”
Money geek
Maximize Your Military Retirement and Benefits
“Prepare for civilian life. Build a financial team to educate you on what you need to know regarding your finances…”
U.S. News & world Report
What to Consider Before Getting a Reverse Mortgage in Retirement
“In most cases, the loan is only paid back when the borrower leaves the home,” says Chuck Czajka…
Should you accept an early retirement offer?
“If you retire before you get to retirement age, your benefits might be less when you get to Social Security retirement age,” says Czajka.
The Washington Post
How to Set (and Stick to) a Vacation Budget
“While that may be hard in the beginning, like a diet, you have to try to get as close as possible to this goal,” he says…
retire ahead
Hardship Withdrawals
Late last year, the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Treasury loosened rules regarding hardship withdrawals from 401(k) plans, making it easier to pull money from retirement savings…
the penny hoarder
Lean Into Budgeting to Make Your Money Last in Retirement
You’ve spent decades in the workforce earning a living, your schedule dictated by the demands of the job. All the while, you’ve been steadily adding to your savings…
How to Become a Homeowner in 2020
The homeownership rate has edged up 1 percentage point in the last five years, to 64.8 percent. And there are many renters eager to join the club…
Planadviser Magazine
Retirement Savings Options for the Self-Employed
There are a number of options that retirement plan advisers can suggest to the self-employed and small business owners to help them save for retirement….
u.s. news & World report
Should Tax Reform Change How You Save for Retirement?
THE 2017 TAX CUTS AND Jobs Act was the most sweeping tax reform enacted in decades, and the 2019 SECURE Act made 401(k) changes that affect millions of workers.