U.S. Government’s Formula To Maximize Your Social Security Benefit
B(a) = PIA(a) x (1 — e(n)) x (1+d(n)) x Z(a) +
max ((.5 x PIA*(a) — PIA(a) x (1 + d(n))) x
E(a),O) x (1-u(a,q,n,m)) x D(a)1
With over 2,728 rules, more than 567 different ways to claim Social Security, and possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime at stake, the method in which you claim your Social Security income benefit is quite often the most important decision you will make within your retirement income planning. Considering that employees at the Social Security Administration are prohibited from advising you on the best ways to maximize your benefit, speaking with a qualified financial professional about this decision is extremely important.
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or approved by the Social Security Administration or any other state or federal
governmental agency.